Body weight - 108.6kgs
12 weeks into a growth phase
350mg Test E, 800mg Masteron E a week, 3IU’s of GH daily.
4060 cals/ daily 261g protein
5 Training days a week. 2 rest days.
I’ve been training for almost 10 years now. Trying multiple different types and loads of programs. I’ve been working with a coach now for just under a year.
The goal is to potentially compete in classic physique next year. Season A or B, depending on how I progress this year.
@SteveMobsterG - 16 weeks for this one. Possibly pushing a little longer if bloods come back good in a couple of weeks!
I’ll try my best to stay consistent on here with updates and training videos! Feel free to tell me what kind of content you want to see!
Rest day today! Catching up on meal prep and bits and pieces.
All gear is supplied by the one and only Liquid Gold Labs! Great product list with great pricing. No pip and super smooth/ clean oils. Super fast shipping
Big push day coming in tomorrow, who wants to see the juicy pump