b fold the truth Elite Strongman Platinum May 13, 2003 #31 Hmmm...I really don't know on these. Max bench was 431.5 (2 weeks ago) Max log clean and press was 321 (last week) B True
Hmmm...I really don't know on these. Max bench was 431.5 (2 weeks ago) Max log clean and press was 321 (last week) B True
J JOKER47 Elite Mentor May 13, 2003 #32 IronLion said: Thise is the db thing I was talking about, I saw it the other day and now I just gotta figure out how to make one Click to expand... http://www.powerhooks.com/pages/859209/index.htm I'm getting a pair of these for an anniversary gift. Might be cheaper than the other thingy, and accomplish the same thing. Plus, you can take them with you if you need to. Joker
IronLion said: Thise is the db thing I was talking about, I saw it the other day and now I just gotta figure out how to make one Click to expand... http://www.powerhooks.com/pages/859209/index.htm I'm getting a pair of these for an anniversary gift. Might be cheaper than the other thingy, and accomplish the same thing. Plus, you can take them with you if you need to. Joker
I IronLion New member May 13, 2003 #33 send me a pm, if they work well, I might get some of the gym style
andezzz999 New member May 13, 2003 #34 I bench 405. Don't know my millitary 1 rep max but for comparison: Bench 1 set of 6-8 335lbs Military 1 set of 6-8 275 lbs. Hammer machine. I have pretty strong sholders and can't imagine ever exceeding my bench weight with shoulders.
I bench 405. Don't know my millitary 1 rep max but for comparison: Bench 1 set of 6-8 335lbs Military 1 set of 6-8 275 lbs. Hammer machine. I have pretty strong sholders and can't imagine ever exceeding my bench weight with shoulders.
J JOKER47 Elite Mentor May 13, 2003 #36 IronLion said: send me a pm, if they work well, I might get some of the gym style Click to expand... I should be ordering them this week. I will let you know how they work. Joker
IronLion said: send me a pm, if they work well, I might get some of the gym style Click to expand... I should be ordering them this week. I will let you know how they work. Joker