OK, I'm jealous of u guys who follow a CKD eating ground beef and bacon and drop bodyfat. I've tried it several times without eating carbs, controlling calories and working out and every time I feel fatter, and when I wake up the next morning my waiste looks worse. What I started doing instead of the high fat on a CKD is doing a high protein/low carb/moderate-low fat diet. I've seen the result this has had on some people and they look incredible. Beverly Internation uses this diet with their competitors. My current stats are 6'3", 215 lbs around 11%bodyfat. My goal is to achieve 5-6%. My plan will be 3 lifting workouts per week and 3 High Intensity Interval Cardio training sessions, lasting 15-20 min 3x per week in the AM. (ex. bike, 1min Level2, 1 min Level3, 1 min Level 2, 1 min Level4, etc.)
Diet influence comes from Beverly International www.bodybuildingworld.com , Jay Robbs Fat Burning Diet, Natural Hormonal Enhancement, as well as the diet advice that Dr. Eric Serrano and Charles Poliquin recommends. I'd like everyones input on my approach.
Meal #1
10 oz. Top Round Steak (very lean, 3 oz. cooked 27g prot., 4g fat, so approx 70g prot., 10g fat) (weight before cooking)
3 Fish Oil Capsules
1-2 cups green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, string beans, etc)
Meal #2
3 scoops Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Whey Protein (AWESOME STUFF!!) (66g prot., 12g carbs., 4.5g fat)
6 Fish Oil Capsules
Meal #3
10 oz. Top Round Steak (weight before cooking)
3 Fish Oil Capsules
1-2 cups green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, string beans, etc)
Meal #4
3 scoops Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Whey Protein (66g prot., 12g carbs., 4.5g fat)
6 Fish Oil Capsules
Meal #5
10 oz. Top Round Steak (weight before cooking)
3 Fish Oil Capsules
1-2 cups green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, string beans, etc)
Nitromine (Free Form Amino Acids) 15 after lifting workouts
Glutacene (Glutamine and BCAA's) 40g Half 30min before lifting, half sipped during workout between sets
Vitex (Chaste Berry Extract) 1 capsule AM
Ginko Biloba 3x per day
this will last 25 days (if I can last that long w/out cheating) then I will have a carb load meal every Sunday and Wednesday evening)
Carb Load Meal: (6th Meal)
1.5 cups cooked rice
10 oz. Sweet Potato
1 Orange
Any feedback would greatly be appreciated. Any suggestions, modifications would be helpful. My main goal is fat loss at the fastest rate possible. I have a chance to model so i'm looking for a fitness model type physique. Again, really high fat does not work for me, and I have all the books, BodyOpus, Lyle's Keto Book, Anabolic and Metabolic Diet book, etc.
Other things I am considering is adding 1 Tbsp. Natural Peanut Butter to Each Shake, and using more fish oil capsules during my main meals, 6 instead of 3. (Reason for fish oil is I get them dirt cheap from Sams club, and they're tested and their quality is excellent, my parents pay for it so I use it instead of Flaxseed Oil or Udo's) Also might use chicken or turkey once in a while, but i'm not a big fan and I don't like any seafood, tuna, etc. I'm allergic to eggs so they're out, so this is what i'm left with. Thanx guys, I feel confident about the plan but always am open to suggestions.
Diet influence comes from Beverly International www.bodybuildingworld.com , Jay Robbs Fat Burning Diet, Natural Hormonal Enhancement, as well as the diet advice that Dr. Eric Serrano and Charles Poliquin recommends. I'd like everyones input on my approach.
Meal #1
10 oz. Top Round Steak (very lean, 3 oz. cooked 27g prot., 4g fat, so approx 70g prot., 10g fat) (weight before cooking)
3 Fish Oil Capsules
1-2 cups green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, string beans, etc)
Meal #2
3 scoops Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Whey Protein (AWESOME STUFF!!) (66g prot., 12g carbs., 4.5g fat)
6 Fish Oil Capsules
Meal #3
10 oz. Top Round Steak (weight before cooking)
3 Fish Oil Capsules
1-2 cups green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, string beans, etc)
Meal #4
3 scoops Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Whey Protein (66g prot., 12g carbs., 4.5g fat)
6 Fish Oil Capsules
Meal #5
10 oz. Top Round Steak (weight before cooking)
3 Fish Oil Capsules
1-2 cups green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, string beans, etc)
Nitromine (Free Form Amino Acids) 15 after lifting workouts
Glutacene (Glutamine and BCAA's) 40g Half 30min before lifting, half sipped during workout between sets
Vitex (Chaste Berry Extract) 1 capsule AM
Ginko Biloba 3x per day
this will last 25 days (if I can last that long w/out cheating) then I will have a carb load meal every Sunday and Wednesday evening)
Carb Load Meal: (6th Meal)
1.5 cups cooked rice
10 oz. Sweet Potato
1 Orange
Any feedback would greatly be appreciated. Any suggestions, modifications would be helpful. My main goal is fat loss at the fastest rate possible. I have a chance to model so i'm looking for a fitness model type physique. Again, really high fat does not work for me, and I have all the books, BodyOpus, Lyle's Keto Book, Anabolic and Metabolic Diet book, etc.
Other things I am considering is adding 1 Tbsp. Natural Peanut Butter to Each Shake, and using more fish oil capsules during my main meals, 6 instead of 3. (Reason for fish oil is I get them dirt cheap from Sams club, and they're tested and their quality is excellent, my parents pay for it so I use it instead of Flaxseed Oil or Udo's) Also might use chicken or turkey once in a while, but i'm not a big fan and I don't like any seafood, tuna, etc. I'm allergic to eggs so they're out, so this is what i'm left with. Thanx guys, I feel confident about the plan but always am open to suggestions.