Liberator said:
i dont understand this
when ive done legs i cant walk properly for 5-6 days
Agreed, if your training legs properly, you should not have a need to work them orme than once a week. Nor should you be able to. Everytime I work legs, its 5 days minimum before I can work them again.
Train them properly and once a week is MORE than enough.
Try this routine:
5 minutes on a stationary bike for warm-up.
3 Sets of Leg Extensions, around 10-12r eps, making sure to contract the thighs fully at the top of the movement, then lower weight very slowly.
3 Sets of Squats, 15-18 reps, making sure to go slowly down and keep the knees straight, do not loet them turn inward. Make sure your using a weight that lets you reach failure between 15-18 reps. Go ALL THE WAY DOWN!!!
3 Sets of Heavy Leg Presses, 8-12 reps, making sure to bring knees into chest, none of that partial BS!!! Make sure you push through your heels and not your toes.
3 Sets of Leg Curls, 10-12 reps, make sure you get a full contraction at the top and let the weight down VERY slowly. Control is everything. Partials are good wehn you cannot do anymore full reps.
3 Sets of Deadlifts, 12-15 reps, make sure you keep the legs stiff and do not bend at the knee.
3 Sets of Seated Calf Raises, 12-15 reps, make sure you contract at the top of the movement and go ALL THE WAY DOWN at the bottom! Use good form, control the weight, DO NOT bounce the weight up and down. Partials are good when full reps cannot be done anymore, calves hurt, make them burn!!!