New member
DAY: Wednesday 2/28
WORKOUT: Full Body Circuit (below x 2)
Biceps Barbell Curl- 40 lbs x 24
Wide grip lat pulldowns- 75 lbs x 16
Cable Tri Exts w/bar: 70 lbs x 16
DB Shrugs- 30 lbs x 20
Standing calf raises- body weight x 40, x 50
Lower back extension- body weight x 20
One leg Lunges- body weight, each leg x 20
Leg extensions- 70 lbs x 16
Step ups- body weight, each leg x 24
Squats- 135 lbs x 16
15 minutes cardio - elliptical alternating resistance of 8 and of 16
6 AM- Coffee w/ mm and creamer
9 AM- instant oats and 25 gram whey shake w/water and ice
1 PM- 25 gram whey shake w/water and ice and medium banana
5 PM- lettuce, cucumber, peppers, 4 oz chix breast
7 PM- sandwich sized ziplock full of carrots and green pepper and celery
10 PM- 4 oz turkey burger, sleepytime tea
MOOD: Reflective
I can distincly remember the day -time and place- I first heard the phrase "learn something new every day and die a happy man" or woman. I was young - but 15 years later I remember like it was yesterday. I remember because the message is so powerful. Learn something new about someone, something... or about yourself. Self-exploration and self-discovery are so important. At one time I considered it selfish but it's crucial to listen to and learn from YOURSELF... from not only others life experiences but your own. Don't ever let ANYONE tell you that you over-think things or that you think too much. It's not possible - thinking is learning! And I'm thinking of y'all...
WORKOUT: Full Body Circuit (below x 2)
Biceps Barbell Curl- 40 lbs x 24
Wide grip lat pulldowns- 75 lbs x 16
Cable Tri Exts w/bar: 70 lbs x 16
DB Shrugs- 30 lbs x 20
Standing calf raises- body weight x 40, x 50
Lower back extension- body weight x 20
One leg Lunges- body weight, each leg x 20
Leg extensions- 70 lbs x 16
Step ups- body weight, each leg x 24
Squats- 135 lbs x 16
15 minutes cardio - elliptical alternating resistance of 8 and of 16
6 AM- Coffee w/ mm and creamer
9 AM- instant oats and 25 gram whey shake w/water and ice
1 PM- 25 gram whey shake w/water and ice and medium banana
5 PM- lettuce, cucumber, peppers, 4 oz chix breast
7 PM- sandwich sized ziplock full of carrots and green pepper and celery
10 PM- 4 oz turkey burger, sleepytime tea
MOOD: Reflective

I can distincly remember the day -time and place- I first heard the phrase "learn something new every day and die a happy man" or woman. I was young - but 15 years later I remember like it was yesterday. I remember because the message is so powerful. Learn something new about someone, something... or about yourself. Self-exploration and self-discovery are so important. At one time I considered it selfish but it's crucial to listen to and learn from YOURSELF... from not only others life experiences but your own. Don't ever let ANYONE tell you that you over-think things or that you think too much. It's not possible - thinking is learning! And I'm thinking of y'all...

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