Like Spatts said -- it always comes down to the diet. Your body "wants" to run as efficiently as possible, but that means you have to figure out what is most efficient for you. And also understand that once you figure out what is efficient, then you have to alter it again so that your body doesn't get comfortable w/ the current "efficient" diet. That's basically the power of carb rotation.
Another thing to consider here is how important is it to achieve whatever goal you are setting out. A serious approach on a 10 week schedule would be followed in the same manner as would competition prep. This means very little room for cheating and the mind set that you are eating to fuel your metabolism, not eating because you enjoy it. TRUST ME -- this gets very hard because we like variety and we are not just machines that "gas up" when we need more energy. So given that, I expect that you are setting the 10 week schedule based on availability & suggested cycle time of your winny. If you are willing to go 100% strict, you can pull off probably a 5-8% bf loss & get tight - however I don't think you really want to do that because it just generally makes you miserable and hoses up your social life if you aren't going after a competition. So you want to identify a diet that you can support and live with while achieving results.
I think spatts has been methodically following various diets with some specific goals in mind --- so her cutting diet may seem a little restrictive. But generally speaking, most bb's will tell you the complex carb options are pretty limited -- sweet potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice. Whoopie. I stopped eating oatmeal because I had switched up my diet & traded out daily oatmeal for breakfast to a once every 3 day carb up -- so now I can't tolerate oatmeal w/o bloating. I replaced it with cream of rice and more sweet potatoes.
I might also recommend the Beverly International ( basic diet as something to follow. This is the one I'm following with the 3 day carb up schedule. PM me your email address if you are interested in it.
But whatever diet you end up following, if you want to kick those last few lbs, you may need to really make the change in your diet to get the optimal response out of your metabolism.
RE: the winny -- personally I would give the diet change a chance first. Winny may actually make you bloat up and just screw up the whole effort. If you are seeing a change based on diet manipulation, then you can throw in the winny to get harder. But ultimately it will be the diet that holds the results. Muscle-wise, also remember that most people start mixing in AS as part of pre-comp prep so that you can look a certain way at a certain time on competition day. The results are not permanent, but you can build a base on them. Its the stuff you do without introducing foreign substances in your body that will be maintained the longest.