Bikini Mod
New member
claire said:That is so true. If I get carried away on my cheat day, my heart rate increase, I am hot, cranky, bloated and can't sit still. I can not wait to eat clean the next day. I hate feeling like crap.
I sorta giggle when my old clients used to tell me how gawdawful they would feel after halfway through their first cheat meal of their cheat day. They would usually eat something sugary sweet laden with fat.

I would just chuckle and say, "See, I ain't tellin ya this stuff because I want you to suffer. I am tellin' ya this because I want you to feel BETTER."
If you want to have brown rice with dinner on your cheat day that is fine. It would also be a good idea the night before a heavy leg workout for example. Nothing wrong with carbing up the night before you know you will pound your own ass into the ground in the gym the next day. You will see you have more energy to train - the heavier and more intense that training day - the better you will rest - the better you feed your body - the more lean mass you will maintain and inevitably gain - the higher your metabolism will be ALWAYS!
See, one big HAPPY prodcutive cycle.

Consistency is the key.