I know they would I've found that out. Did everyone here start off with 4000 posts? Spatts do you feel ashamed that your abs are showing? I wouldn't let IL see those. As for my comments about powerlifters and BF I was generalizing the group as I was generalized into the pretty boy model category.
Can we all stop being children in the sandbox please. Or can you guys and gals at least agree to disagree and quit this fueding that hurts the purpose of this board. Which is to trade and dispense useful information.
I know they would I've found that out. Did everyone here start off with 4000 posts? Spatts do you feel ashamed that your abs are showing? I wouldn't let IL see those. As for my comments about powerlifters and BF I was generalizing the group as I was generalized into the pretty boy model category.
You weren't generalized by me. I never even posted on your threads. Why would you ask me if I'm ashamed of my abs? Wouldn't let IL see them? What does that mean?
If you're going to put me down, or whatever the hell it is you're doing, make it clear. I rode the short bus home from work.
Okay I believe that, I do something very close to that when bulking that is. Do you maintain that level of RIPPEDNESS, when bulking and eating like that? Do you do cardio or HIIT training at all during your bulking or at anytime?