LS, I abused my mod powers to make you like a jackass. Don't tell.
Cobra, being lean is about diet. I'm not defending Ironlion, but he has a point. You're not going to find anyone much faster, stronger, or more agile than him. Not at 200, 250 or even 300 pounds...and he's 320. He knows his shit, and when it comes to TRAINING I have never seen him put down another person's regimen. What he is not-so-eloquently trying to hammer into your head is that being lean is a DIET issue. This does not mean that he neglects diet, or that any of us do. In fact, IL has an AWESOME diet, and that's saying a lot coming from me. It's not a problem to want to be lean or want to learn more about each his own, but when that goal is a diet question, it needs to be in the diet forum.
On June 10th you started a thread on this EXACT topic, wherein you were given alot of information, including the information that you didn't need to train upper and lower abs separately, and that leanness in the abs was a diet issue. Yet, you kept posting the SAME question. In fact, on June 11th you, yourself, said this:
CobraUTAH said:
Also with abs and a good looking six pack it is true that getting there is primarily diet.
I think the frustation lies in the fact that you know what to do but you keep asking about it anyway. How much more can we say to help you? If we are not being clear about what you need to do, ask for clarification. Trolls come in here and waste our time, all the time. Your style makes people, me included, wonder if you are doing that too.