I didn't read the others posts, but I just dont get WHY someone would want to go on these cutting cycles.
You drop calories, add more cardio...its like taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back...i don't like stepping back for anything, but thats just me
also I dont see how anyone who bodybuilds NATURALLY who enters competition would want to put themselves through that. I mean yea the pros can use drugs to aid with fat loss, muscle gain, ect. But you cutting down to like ~7% or less body fat naturally...you are going to lose some hard earned work.
You drop calories, add more cardio...its like taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back...i don't like stepping back for anything, but thats just me
also I dont see how anyone who bodybuilds NATURALLY who enters competition would want to put themselves through that. I mean yea the pros can use drugs to aid with fat loss, muscle gain, ect. But you cutting down to like ~7% or less body fat naturally...you are going to lose some hard earned work.