Very neat.....HIIT has it's place yeah. Sport specific types of cardio seem to include a lot of HIIT. Seems when it's bodybuilding, those I've learned from did the low-medium variety of cardiovascular exercise.
There are also studies which support the longer duration/lower intensity (65-75% MHR) so as with any subject, there are two sides to each "story" as it were. No I don't have them to post here, but I'm sure everyone realizes there are such studies.
As everyone is different, it's best each choose his/her own form. I know that HIIT does nothing for me but make me flat and stringy, and in what I do I need to strip fat, and keep an aerobic activity (cardio) just that, aerobic, NOT anaerobic. I'm not interested in increasing any type of endurance for sports or similar activity.
The programs that I contruct all revolve around the lower intensity version, as I've built my nutritional programs around that type of activity. That's a key as well, eat for your type of activity. The results I deliver from my programs and that are the "norm", are not attainable with HIIT. So, this is not to say HIIT totally sucks, but for what I do and those I assist, it's not in the plans.
So, all in all, to hell with studies I'd say, and do what works for you. That's the best bet, as questioning what is right/wrong here is not only impossible, it's time you could use to do cardio, lol......