I said 12%, not 10%(nice post edit, lol). Plus, that pic was taken 4 weeks ago at the end of my kicker with a-bombs, where I was holding quite a bit of water at almost 230 lbs. Which effectively gave me the appearance of having 14-15% BF, when in fact it is only 12%. I dropped to 223 in like a week, and have since then added 2 pounds, to come to my stated 225.
I respectfully do think your PWO regimen is extreme overkill.
How long do you work out for? What are your rest breaks, rep ranges, exercise type (compound v isolation).
To put it this way, it is unlikely one hour of weights burns more than 100 carbs. Typical estimates of weights is taht it burns less than < 500 cals (except perhap for a leg only routine), and even assuming 80% of what is burned is carbs (whilst weights are anerobic, u'd burn some fat during rest breaks etc), that still leaves you with 100 carbs.
Inflate all these figures significantly (which are already generous), and we could generously say you may have burned 150 carbs (which I doubt).
YOu have:
- 60g WMS carbs;
- 60g Oat carbs
- say 10 green veggies carbs
- unsure ur brown rice carbs, but I'm guessing quite possibly another 60.
- another 40 milk carbs
- likely carbs from some glucogenisis of whey
So your getting 200+ carbs PWO. Seems a tad too much IMO - but if its working for you fine.
Some of those carbs coudl be useful pre-workout, unless your goal is to increase natural GH release during exericse (although apparnetly effect of this is minor).
I don't have exact figures, but there is as far as I'm aware of a maximum rate of glycogen resynthesis (indeed, tour de france and marathon runners burn more cals in comp that this rate).
Oh, I know it's a little over the top. I do it on purpose. Someone asked me what I am currently doing, so I posted it up.
I'm ectomorphic, and have a fast metabolism. Extra carbs don't really hurt me too bad. When I'm bulking I could care less how fat I get, because I'll never get way tubby. I'm just not built that way. I could eat 7000 calories a day an I wouldn't reach 20% BF.
Since I leave work to the gym, I just down a RTD shake. has 230 cals. 15 g protein, like 35grams of sugar. Yeah yeah, it's sugar I know. I'm bulking, so who cares? Just to get someting in the body.
And to anyone who is saying I look fat in my avi is retarded. Go take some anadrol and test and see what happens. As of right now, my lower abs show through, so i'm not even close to fat or even slightly tubby. I have maybe 5 lbs of extra fat on me that I could do away with and I'd look lean, but what 5 pounds when you're bulking? Pffft.