Waxy Maize sends me to sleep - Bodybuilding.com Forums
See this thread. In response to a question of mine ages ago, Alan states that WMS has a very high insulin and glycimic response. He doesn't reference this opinion.
BTW, most foods spike insulin to some degree:
An insulin index of foods: the insulin demand generated by 1000-kJ portions of common foods -- Holt et al. 66 (5): 1264 -- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Including things like fish. Finding it hard to believe WMS has no insulin effect
The key questions to me are:
(1) how important is rapid glycogen resythensis, particularly for those who consumed carbs pre-workout and will not be overly carb depleted;
(2) had rapid can glycogen resysthensis be - e.g., I have read elsewhere that there is a limit to the amount of glycogen that can be resythesied per hours. Further, if u train low volume, low reps, your degree of glycogen depletition during a workout is going to be low; diddo if u just trained arms.
(3) how important is an insulin spike?
(4) is it beneficial to have insuligneic proteins (e.g., whey) and carbs before workout, and does this lessen the need for an extremely insulingenic PWO shake.
I would also submit that we don't really understand the role as insulin as well as we think: (1) - studies on separting fats and carbs do not compare favourable to grouping them, despite the theory that insulin + fat = bad
(2) supporting this, for isocaloric quantities of whole and skim milk as PWO aid, whole milk actually won despite having less protein. The fat + insulin combo of whole milk actually won
(3) the link I've got suggests that protein and fat, rather from blunting insulin responses of carbs, increase it (e.g., bakery goods and baked beans)