well you wouldn't have one strict schedule as you do that you stick to rigidly week in week out.
You would have weeks where you would be doing as much as you are above, and weeks where you would be only doing half as much. The body is not a machine, so you have to push and then ease up in cycles. Failure to do so will bring up overtraining and injury.
I can only suggest this, you will have to experiment and see what suits you, and what you can handle without overtraining. Remeber to cycle your intensities and loads.
The body has a lag factor - it can tolerate quite a load for a short period of time - 2-3 weeks or so, before you have to ease up and give it breathing space for it to recover. Then it over supercompensates, and then you push again.
Also everytime you drop the volume, you recover some of the fast twitch IIb fibres that have been converted to 11a during intense periods. That is why tapering and deloading works for peaking.