Here's what I did starting out, and I've always trained with guys, doing the same things they do. This particular regimen was for losing bodyfat while maintaining, maybe even growing a little, muscle:
Weights alternating heavy one week and moderate the next, for example:
Monday: legs
Tusday: back and rear delt
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Chest and tri's
Friday: shoulders and bis
Saturday: abs
On, for example Thursday, do shoulders light and bis heavy (start with the heavy) and then the next week shoulders heavy and bi's light. Heavy being about 90% of max and light being about 60% of max.
Cardio 5-7 days a week max (start with 3 non-training days) first thing in the morning, empty stomach, OR AFTER WEIGHTS. Moderate intensity, moderate speed, longer duration: walk up hill at 15% grade, 2.5 mph, for 60 min...point being, keep the heart rate between 135-140. I added a second cardio session in the evenings, 20-30 min, and straight protein after that, but only if one session and a clean diet aren't cutting it. At least two of my weekly sessions were HIIT Sprints on an eliptical or track.
My cutting diet looked like this:
You would have to alter the times by when you train, and cycle the carbs 3 days low (.5g/kg body weight) and 2 days high (2.0g/kg body weight), or high on training days and low on non training days. The diet in the link represents the 100g CHO median.
1Kg = 2.2046 lbs