Lots of things motivate me...
Other people really motivate me:-
Guys who don't put any effort in, seeing them as I train makes me train harder.
Guys who put lots of effort in motivate me, seeing others putting in a lot of effort makes me have to at least match the intensity otherwise I'll feel like a no effort guy.
Skinny guys spending ages on treadmils motivates, I don't want to look like that.
People who put me down motivate me.
People who give me kind words motivate me.
People standing around talking and hardly lifting anything for an hour motivates me.
People I talk to about going to the gym motivate me especially when I hear phrases like "I don't have time to go to the gym" and then they start talking about what happened in some tv program they watch each night.
Friends I see irregularly motivate me, to better myself so much that they will notice the changes when I see them next.
People I tell my goals to motivate me, I cannot fail to achieve my goals, I got to back my words up.
These boards motivate me:-
I can imagine what Louden_Swain or Lord_Suston would say if they watched me train, would they call me a pussy who needed to put in some effort, I can envisage them infront of me, strangely having only seen their avatars Suston looks quite similar to that Vegeta dude.
Reading posts where people describe what they were feeling like after their work outs motivates me.
If I post my pic again well damn I better make improvements.
I motivate myself:-
I want to achieve my perfect natural physique, I will do this and there is no barrier that can stop me.
I want to get stronger to better myself.
I want to challenge myself, I must push myself to my limits.
Feelings motivate me:-
The feeling of waking up on a morning and looking forward to the day all due to my efforts to improve, I have 16-18 hours to make a difference before I sleep again.
The feeling I get when someone looks at me and you sort of know their thinking "he must lift weights" or "he's buff".
The feeling I get when I see my gains, in the mirror or scales or bodyfat measurements.
The feeling I get after having had a lazy workout, I feel bad, can't let it happen again.
Okay I could just keep typing, in short so many things motivate me, some have a much bigger influence than others though.