Back in high school through research i developed my own vertical leaping program. I used jumpsoles (yes they actually work) but tweaked my workouts to go around practice time. I also combined this with a day of heavy weight training for legs. My results were gains of 6-8 inches after 6 weeks. I continued this cycle on and off, going light on the weight training during the season. the jumpsoles website,, has a program called the phi slamma jamma program, i used parts of this, combined with heavier weight training, but still focusing on explosive movements (i.e, doing 135lbs squats for 35 reps is a waste of time, i would do 275 for 12, exploding up after each one, also, this weight seems heavier after doing the plyo training, A LOT heavier.)
Basically, plyo excercises mondays, wednesdays, fridays (in season only one or two days a week) and weight training for legs on mondays and fridays (only once a week during the season.)
Sample: Mondays, plyo skips, bounds, jump rope, box jumps, squat jumps, rim jumps
Weights: 3x12 squats, hack squats (focusing on explosive movements, even, using lighter weight, rise up on ur toes and flex calves on squats, since this duplicates the jumping motion.) 3x12 hamstring curls, 3x12 calve raises and donkey calve raises. Keep the intensity level high, only taking short rests in between sets.
The plyo exercises focus on the same amount of reps or distances, but increase in sets as the weeks go on. Some can be very stressful on your legs, and if done too often, lead to burn out of ur muscles. Box jumping should be stopped at least 3 days before competition. let me know and i can give u a more detailed plan. LIke i said, i put on 8 inches in my vert, and an additional 3, giving me a 36 inch vertical leap at my highest (sr year of high school.)