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Approved Log UGFreak ParaPharma Log - Testosterone Cypionate and Primobolan

Thursday August 3rd 2023

Today went very smoothly in my gym training the dedication and hard work is paying off in small progressive ways. I feel a big contributing factor is that I train alot for endurance as well as hypertrophy and the mixture is helping aid me in becoming stronger slowly over time.

I decided today I would stick mostly with 10 repetitions and 5 sets, I did toss in some isolation work in the end for 1 set of 20 or 25 for the repetition range. I feel sometimes it is necessary I step back and focus on a little heavier weight movements with exercises as well as dropping down into litter weights when I get fatigue setting in, in this manner of approach I still get quality repetition and my training doesn't become sloppy and I continue with proper techniques.

Today I hit a new PR for tricep extension machine, tricep push down machine, rope push downs as well as Bicep Curl for this year, I am down in weight but getting stronger in certain lifts, which I feel had alot to do with current para pharma cycle of test and primo. I feel they are working so well together along with my proper work outside of the gym so I recover and progress correctly. I believe doing everything 100% best of my abilities is the biggest factor and key as to why so far I have been successful this early on in my run and log.

Tomorrow is my last pinning for this week of the test and primo 100/100 making a total of 400mg combined for the week. I am playing the long game with this one, despite my thoughts about increasing amounts. I will run this through week six of the cycle and do some small blood work give everything proper time to take affect and shine. Week six and beyond into week 12 if I feel is needed then I will think about increase and potential pros and cons before doing anything.

Rope push downs I hit 57.7lbs for 10 reps today new PR. Tricep extension machine hit 200lbs for 10 reps, tricep push down machine hit 220lbs for 10 reps I am very proud of those accomplishments today as well as hitting 40lb DB curls for 8 reps.

The pump was phenomenal today and I felt super vascular in the gym as well as strength and energy was awesome as well, overall it was great training session today 💪

One hurdle I always have to compete with is my right shoulder as I injured it outside of the gym years ago, ever since my surgery years back, my right arm and shoulder is weaker then my left arm and shoulder, it will give out on certain lifts before my other side does, it is constantly something I have to work around, which is fine it is life it happens, important part is I am able to do what I still love and care about at the end of the day we make it work.

Enjoy the longer update along with my training log everyone, as well as have a good up coming weekend 😎

Topps 💪

training Bicep/Tricep/Cardio

Bicep Side Curls

DB Hammer Curls

Scoop DB Curls

Barbell Curl
1x20@20lbs ( Normal grip)
1x20@20lbs ( Reverse grip)

KettleBell Curls


Rope Push Downs
[email protected]

Tricep Extension Machine

Tricep Push Down Machine

Tricep Close Grip Cable

Tricep Bodyweight Extension

Incline 8.0
Speed 3.3
Distance 2.1 miles
Calories burned 300
Duration 45 minutes.
Nice, so you feel a better congestion / pump 💪
Don't stop to eat well it's very important ;)
About sleeping, do you notice some change ? if i have well understand you have a better mood, so i think your sleeping are better ?

Happy weekend my friend 🫶🙏
Nice, so you feel a better congestion / pump 💪
Don't stop to eat well it's very important ;)
About sleeping, do you notice some change ? if i have well understand you have a better mood, so i think your sleeping are better ?

Happy weekend my friend 🫶🙏
Indeed sleep and recovery have been top notch and going very well my friend 😎
Friday August 4 2023

Injection took place around 11am today, went super smooth again as I've figured out the method and best way with administration of Injection.

I hit the gym 2 hours after injection, I also decided I was going to pop 20mg of and ED drug for pump purposes during my chest workout today, pump was akin splitting lol, forgot how good those work as a pump product in a gym setting.

My workout was on point today and I felt strong and was able to hit all goals today with my resistance training.

The DB bells max out at 75lbs at my gym and I hit 60lb for 10 on Incline chest Press, most weight with DB I've done all year, I felt I could have hit 75lbs for 10 as I was feeling strong today and everything was hitting prefect, 15lbs to go till I hit my goal of benching those 75lb dbs. I felt it was best to conserve so fuel as I had a decent amount to accomplish today.

Overall i feel good and notice at a lower weight i feel stronger then ever with certain movements and rep ranges, pretty awesome feeling i must admit, mood positive, energy positive, workouts elevated, mood and attitude outside the gym happy, so far we are riding the wave of success in all aspects in and out of the gym, which i was truly aiming for and hoping that would be how this cycle goes, still early so anything can happen, i have to log everything for full transparency.

enjoy the update and training and have a good weekend everyone 😎

topps 💪


Incline DB Press

Bodyweight Push-ups

Cable Chest Flys ( two variations)

Dips Bodyweight

DB Isolation Movements ( 5 variations)

Duration 45 minutes
Miles 2.5
Speed 3.3
Calories burned 300
Friday August 4 2023

Injection took place around 11am today, went super smooth again as I've figured out the method and best way with administration of Injection.

I hit the gym 2 hours after injection, I also decided I was going to pop 20mg of and ED drug for pump purposes during my chest workout today, pump was akin splitting lol, forgot how good those work as a pump product in a gym setting.

My workout was on point today and I felt strong and was able to hit all goals today with my resistance training.

The DB bells max out at 75lbs at my gym and I hit 60lb for 10 on Incline chest Press, most weight with DB I've done all year, I felt I could have hit 75lbs for 10 as I was feeling strong today and everything was hitting prefect, 15lbs to go till I hit my goal of benching those 75lb dbs. I felt it was best to conserve so fuel as I had a decent amount to accomplish today.

Overall i feel good and notice at a lower weight i feel stronger then ever with certain movements and rep ranges, pretty awesome feeling i must admit, mood positive, energy positive, workouts elevated, mood and attitude outside the gym happy, so far we are riding the wave of success in all aspects in and out of the gym, which i was truly aiming for and hoping that would be how this cycle goes, still early so anything can happen, i have to log everything for full transparency.

enjoy the update and training and have a good weekend everyone 😎

topps 💪


Incline DB Press

Bodyweight Push-ups

Cable Chest Flys ( two variations)

Dips Bodyweight

DB Isolation Movements ( 5 variations)

Duration 45 minutes
Miles 2.5
Speed 3.3
Calories burned 300
Great training session brother
Friday August 4 2023

Injection took place around 11am today, went super smooth again as I've figured out the method and best way with administration of Injection.

I hit the gym 2 hours after injection, I also decided I was going to pop 20mg of and ED drug for pump purposes during my chest workout today, pump was akin splitting lol, forgot how good those work as a pump product in a gym setting.

My workout was on point today and I felt strong and was able to hit all goals today with my resistance training.

The DB bells max out at 75lbs at my gym and I hit 60lb for 10 on Incline chest Press, most weight with DB I've done all year, I felt I could have hit 75lbs for 10 as I was feeling strong today and everything was hitting prefect, 15lbs to go till I hit my goal of benching those 75lb dbs. I felt it was best to conserve so fuel as I had a decent amount to accomplish today.

Overall i feel good and notice at a lower weight i feel stronger then ever with certain movements and rep ranges, pretty awesome feeling i must admit, mood positive, energy positive, workouts elevated, mood and attitude outside the gym happy, so far we are riding the wave of success in all aspects in and out of the gym, which i was truly aiming for and hoping that would be how this cycle goes, still early so anything can happen, i have to log everything for full transparency.

enjoy the update and training and have a good weekend everyone 😎

topps 💪


Incline DB Press

Bodyweight Push-ups

Cable Chest Flys ( two variations)

Dips Bodyweight

DB Isolation Movements ( 5 variations)

Duration 45 minutes
Miles 2.5
Speed 3.3
Calories burned 300
@Topps_Baseball88 cardio staying high nice
Saturday August 5 2023

Alright gentlemen I do believe the majority of you will be shocked when I tell you, I actually drastically changed up my style of training today. I kept all my sets at 3x12 and I went much heavier then I typically do, I know many of you are like topps are you sick? You didn't train a stupid high volume or rep range today lol.i infact feel just fine, I was playing a podcast on my way into the gym and it dawned on me when the guy said find a new 100% in the gym, so I got the idea behind a shorter back day and a heavier back day today.

I will give full disclosure I was pressed for time today so I still get my rests periods extremely short which isn't good for the central nervous system, but I was already fully committed so how going back at that point, by the end of my workout my legs got the shakes and I felt like I wanted to fall down, thankfully that didn't happen and I backed off on the weight during Rack Pulls so I still went moderate but something more manageable for my cns.

Overall it wasn't the muscles that wanted to fail me it was my cns, after the incredible back day I had today I was thinking, primobolan weak ? Unless I'm some .1% of the population who hyper responds my strength has shot through the roof. I fully didn't expect that I would max out two machines today the weight was being lifted so easy at times I could have kept going I felt, I had to listen to my body and shut it down before I went further than my body could handle.

Maybe I've had these strength the whole time and just never knew it ? Maybe it is test and primo combined with my endurance ? Maybe my body is just finally going back to the level it was at before covid and lock down ? I asked myself all these questions in my head, the reasons I did was I maxed out the rowing machine at 200lbs for 12 easy reps I maxed out the lat pull down machine at 200lbs for 12 easy reps I hit 275lbs on Upright rows for 8 moderately difficult reps etc, I have no idea where the strength is coming from, I feel a bit confused because when I ran 200mg of just test when I was 245lbs I wasn't nearly as strong as I am now on cycle at 209lbs so what is the difference? I am going to be clever here and call it the para pharma difference, sorry I had to do it lol.

The only thing that really pissed me off today was this, you know you go to a gym for a while and people get to know you then get comfortable around you, they then think it is ok to bother u right as you are gripping the fucking bar to lift 275lbs. I am sorry but wtf is wrong with people, the gym is not a socialize club for me, it is a get in work on me focus on myself for the one time I get in a day for and hour at a time. The older gentleman looks at me and goes what's up? I go umm kind of busy right now trying to lift 275lbs... he goes oh well I just wanted to say hello to you... I was raging in my head when he said that. That man just did the worse thing you could do to someone who was just about to attempt a heavier lift by snapping me out of my concentration and trying to talk to me. I was nice in my reply but stern at the same time, funny enough he saw someone else he knew and he went over to that guy and they talked for 15 minutes.... exactly what he was going to do to me had I not said I was busy and didn't have time. I will never understand why people do that.

So far after Friday injection minimum pip and soreness everything is continuing on track this weekend and we are feeling good. I took nothing for pumps today or any pre workout and man being on cycle the pumps and mind muscle connection was so on point today I felt incredible.

I decided to keep my introduction shorter today for training because I knew I was going to push myself with the weight I was moving and I didn't want to risk injury or any setbacks as we have a long way toll cycles comes to a close.

My strength is increasing by alot it seems if you go back and look at my lifts with my trt log compared to now, I wish I could explain it but I have no good explanation z other then Para pharma gear must be very potent in a good way lol.

enjoy the update everyone!

topps 💪


Seated rows

Lat Pull Down

Upright Row

Rack Pulls

Modified Pull-Up using dip handle bars
3x10@Bodyweight 209lbs

Speed 3.5
Miles 1.55
Incline 8.5
Duration 30 minutes
Calories burned 250
Sunday August 6 2023

After that heavy back day and cardio on Saturday today I woke up and I felt like I hit a wall today, I was fighting myself about staying in bed or getting out of bed today and getting a workout in, in typical fashion I felt guilty and like I was letting myself down if I didn't get up and go.

By the time I had gotten ready and out the door I had 45 minutes for a workout so I decided on a heavier leg day today. I kept all sets at 3x12 and each movement had a warm-up set of 50 repetitions at much lower weight then my working sets. I just did 50lbs for 50 repetitions I didn't care about the weight, I just wanted to get warmed up and pump as much blood into the muscles as possible before my heavy working sets.

Overall my legs felt strong today and I accomplished everything I set out at doing today resistance wise in those 45 minutes the only down side is I have to go back after work and do cardio, I did it to myself though so that is on me for dragging ass today.

I've been playing different podcasts and I keep hearing the hosts say 400mg of primo bare minimum or it's a waste and you feel nothing, well I want to call BS on those statements because in the gym I feel a whole lot of everything, as my lifts heavy or moderate high rep or low rep, weights are increasing, endurance is increasing as well as weights are getting easier to rep out and put up, way more then when I was just on trt/ Normal levels of testosterone in my blood stream.

Maybe this is rare I don't really know because I'm using what the masses reject as far as a mg amount and I've seen progress week after week and I'm not even 4 weeks in yet. I don't want to just credit the testosterone because I've been on 200mg before nothing else like I said and I didn't see this kind of progress at all.

Overall I felt strong I felt a great pump and mind muscle connection tired or not my body is finding ways at pushing through and progression is being made regardless.

No negative sides i can report at this point in time overall still coasting in a positive manner day 2 day.

enjoy the update everyone 😎

Topps 💪


Leg Extension Machine

Seated Hamstring Curl

Hip Abductor Machine

Leg Press Machine

Seated Cave Press Machine

Standing Bodyweight Cave Raises

Ab coaster Machine Bodyweight +25lbs

Ab Torsion Rotation Machine
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