The only time specific amino's have been shown to help, other than glutamine, is when they are administer directly into the intestine via tube feeding. I do not think you should be doing this.
If you are getting a decent amount of protein in your diet, both from whole foods (the best way) and protein supplementation (the convenient way) you should be fine. You could, of course, look up the specific micronutrient ratio of everything you are eating and total the amounts. If you are particularly weak in one amino, you can supplement it.
Protein synthesis is increased by glycogen transport. Post workout is when the highest levels are possible, so a large supply of hi GI carbs, such as dextrose or maltodextrin, plus a fast acting protein, such as whey, can work wonders. Otherwise, aside from ginger, which I previously mentioned, not a lot can improve it.
Whey by itself is not the greatest, as it is so fast acting. A whey/caesin combo is great, except post workout. The casesin will slow down the absorption of whey, cause a nice, steady insulin response and even uptake (relatively) of protein.