Someone's writing style sure reminds me of plifter, who hasnt posted under that name lately. Someone with a grammer/writing style evaluation program might want to check it out. To me, it's not worth my wasting anymore of my time on this thread. Maybe May1010 has an "evil twin" who started this thread.
Re: Elsewhere in this thread about the Bible [Upper case B by the way]:
The talk of same sex relations in the Bible was not by Jesus Christ; but by leaders of groups who were fighting for survival [Moses in the Sinai; Paul under persecution]. Moses also said not to mix milk and meat; Paul, I believe said it's better in the belly of a whore than spilled on the ground. Any sex act other than for the purpose of reproduction was deemed bad. -- No eating pussy, no condoms, no getting sucked by your girlfriend or fucking her in the ass, no pill; just breed, breed, breed, so the Jewish people in Moses' time and the Christians in the time of Paul would survive and grow. Concerning Paul, his "evil twin" personality, Saul, persecuted Christians until he had his vision on the road to Damascus. Both personalities felt they had to persecute someone to bolster their self-image. I put more stock in the words of Jesus Christ.