I was curious as to what is the absolute WORST exercise you have ever performed... the exercise that you did but completely got ZERO results from. The exercise you didnt feel at all in the intended muscle group.
I dont think that there is a worst exercise, possibly a stupidest exercise given certain circumstances. For me probably stiff legged deadlifts, without a belt(not that a belt is important) and without proper form, i now have a bad back. Also things like wrist curls when i first started training, i really wish that i had someone or some kind of information resource to point me in the right direction.
I'm gonna get fried for this, but mine is cable crunches. I thought I might be doing them wrong, but I had a trainer show me how and I'm usually pretty good on form. I tried them for a couple weeks, close to a mirror so I could make sure I was doing them right. Only thing I gained was a sore back and hips.
I am guessing that Cackerot69 is talking about rows on an incline bench but lying toward the incline instead of away from it, using dumbbells. Its like a two-armed row I have seen goes do this before. Personally I cant feel a thing doing rows with support. Bentover rows with a shoulder-width, reverse grip hammer my lats all the way. DAMN! Nothing comes close to really flaming my lats...
Then again I really love the incline bench too its always been a GREAT mass builder for my pecs. Everyone is different I guess...