MonStar1023 said:
I never really answered this myself... but I guess I will... I will DEFINITELY say that leg curls are the biggest waste for me omg. I do them and do them and do them and just totally dont get anywhere at all! Damn what a waste. I mean I can feel it in my hamstrings a little bit I guess but I mean they do absolutely nothing at all for me... standing one-legged curls, seated leg curls, lying leg curls... WASTE.
i'd have to agree, (though i keep doing them even though i find they are useless and its about the only exercise i haven't progressed in over the past 6 months or so

i think it has to do highly with the way the machine is engineered... its not made for all size people... (i'm a short, small boned female)...
you were also talking about the t-bar substitue (with the bb and v-grip)... i've been doing these instead of bentover rows lately and YES, they do work.... quite well i might add.. two things to do, don't use 45 plates (you wont get the same range of motion since they're kinda large in radius, use the 35's at the most and more of 'em, (i use 3 25s)).. you can also get the grip thats kinda like a straight bar but has a v dip in the middle (hopefully you can envision what i'm talking about) and use that grip too... changes the focus, i do about 6-8 sets, alternating the grips ...
(i use that small v-grip thing for EVERYTHING on back day... (pulldowns, low rows, bb rows as described above...) i carry around that thing like i own it hehe... the gym only has one too... guess i really should go buy my own...)
as for cable crunches (someone was having probs with them)... i found the way to REALLY make them work for me was to get a step and two risers, place it in front and kneel on it, but make sure your butt is on your heels... the elevation will make sure that you can really crunch low and gluing your butt to your heels, i find, keeps my back out of the pic totally, it's not standard form but boy am i feeling it where i should abs...
okay and the other exercises that are useless for me, well i dont' really do much i find useles... i like hack squats but i always feel like my feet are slipping out from under me, there's not a good grip on the pad on the one at my gym... just starting to get the hang of front squats (love 'em), not a big fan of dips, but i'm slowly getting the hang of them... sissy squats do nothing for me... don't know if thats me or the exercise...