After much contemplating, I decided to run my training and diet with hopes of coming in on target for a July comp.
Previously I had three comps planned for this year, but a slew of events and bad luck pushed my training and my finances way back. I'm 8 lbs under my target weight right now, and I'm just getting back into the gym.... still sub-par training for now due to a fracture in my rib.
Three months of turmoil and what ever else the world felt it should shove my way threw me off track further than I even care to admit, but I know that only I can pick up all the pieces and get this ball rolling again.
I joined a new gym recently so I'm able to get a very focused training in on my lunch hour and still be able to devote and dedicate quality time with my two kids after school . With all the other speed bumps in life pushed aside, no more late night... or girls night out ... but I know what I have to do.
I'll be putting up training and diet logs here, any comments suggestions, pokes, encouragment, or tongue lashing you ladies wanna throw my way please feel free all of your opinions are greatly appreciated
Lets do it!
Previously I had three comps planned for this year, but a slew of events and bad luck pushed my training and my finances way back. I'm 8 lbs under my target weight right now, and I'm just getting back into the gym.... still sub-par training for now due to a fracture in my rib.
Three months of turmoil and what ever else the world felt it should shove my way threw me off track further than I even care to admit, but I know that only I can pick up all the pieces and get this ball rolling again.
I joined a new gym recently so I'm able to get a very focused training in on my lunch hour and still be able to devote and dedicate quality time with my two kids after school . With all the other speed bumps in life pushed aside, no more late night... or girls night out ... but I know what I have to do.
I'll be putting up training and diet logs here, any comments suggestions, pokes, encouragment, or tongue lashing you ladies wanna throw my way please feel free all of your opinions are greatly appreciated
Lets do it!