Why would a woman feel the need to brag about painfull sex?
I could never get women like that.
I remember these two older broads at an office job I had before I got pregnant and stayed home with my family. LOL They were the age I am now. Anyways, this one conversation where each one tried to "outdo" the other when discussing the GI-normity of their husband/SO's cock size.
"I had to go to my gynecologist and she said - Sandy!!! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?? THERE ARE TEARS IN YOUR VAGINA!!!"
Even then I thought, WTF and you bishes are BRAGGING about painful sex?!?!
Never once did they talk about pleasure, how good their man was at pleasing them, orgasms or *God Forbid* him going down on them...
I remember my only thought then was the same as my thoughts now, "What are we in high school that we are trying to outdo one another by bragging about HOW LITTLE we actually know about sex?!"
For the record, I seen a couplafew cocks in my day and I'd met plenty of men who were 100% inept when it came to every single aspect of pleasing a woman but I had NEVER personally met a man whose cock was "too small" for me.
I have seen pics though here on elite.