Blast.?you feel amazing thats perfect bro and measurements are legit @Slyderkt
are we going to start getting on a bigger cycle? lets do a blast
Kinda am all ready if you want to call it that.
I would say a cycle for sure.
My normal TRT is 300-400 weekly.
I know that is high but I seem to use it up quick. 4 will keep me at 800-1100.
So here is what I started running a couple weeks ago. I upped my test and added some NPP a var.
First time on NPP. So far I like this.
Test 200 injection then skip 2 days
NPP 100 same
Anavar 50 mg
Hg 2 iu daily Mon-Fri
BPC 157 2 iu daily Mon-Fri
TB 500 2 iu daily Mon-Fri
Cycle support
Remidex day after each test injection
Caber 1/2 weekly
I am lifting with my brain. No jerking or snatching weights. No ego for sure.
I am starting every set with a light weight. Then if it feels good I progress up in weight.
All my movements are slow and only speed up if feels good. If at any point I feel pain. I stop, adjust as needed or abort if warranted.