Good job girlie.. I noticed you mentioned you thought you were overtraining on your legs... Might just be because you are not used to the lactic acid build up that is occuring in the muscle. I get mad if I'm not sore after a work-out. I feel like I haven't hit it hard enough. If the muscle is sore in excess like 3-4 days after your work-out it could be over done. Do you stretch at all? If you do there are a few things with stretching also. It should be done on a warm muscle, and don't only stretch the synegrgist that you will be using, but also the antagonist muscle. Ie. hamstrings and quads should be stretched equally. A lot of people I see over stretch their hamstrings and their quads are super tight. The hamstring fibers can't rebound to their normal length if they are in a chronic stage of lengthening from the quad muscle fibers being contracted. So if your hamstrings feel sore check out the quads. That goes for any muscle synergist, antagonist group. Keep up the good work!