Why is being previously married a litmus test of a mans worthiness? Marriage as an institution is obsolete and should a man decide to get married at all he would certainly need legal protections in place to guard against the legal system that is stacked against him in favor of the woman. I think more and more men are avoiding marriage altogether so this notion of "hes never been married, he must be defective" no longer applies for the most part. Whatever happened to the notion of "hes divorced, he must be a bad husband" ? That went out the door when people stopped giving a shit about the "sanctity" of marriage altogether. Unless youre referring to "starter marriages" lol you gotta be kidding me with that concept.
But to answer your question, modern american women expect their men to drop what attracted them in the first place and change, once they got him where they want him. Bad sense of entitlement as well (feminism, princess syndrome, whatever you want to call it). Nagging over bullshit. Ive been relationships where the arguing went on so long i didnt even know what the original argument was over lol. Theres always a pressure to take things to the next level also and its unnecessary. Youve never heard of anyone saying "gee i wish i got married sooner".
I could go on but its probably easier to just peruse any dating site and start posting up profile links of the women im talking about. It wont take long to find them trust me.
Tell you
You have some really good points. Like I said before, all the older men I have met that aren't married are defective imo, self centered and arrogant. But I should point out that I have not been really putting myself out there and meeting new people until recently. That's why I asked.
And I can't disagree with you as far as your views on most women. I do think that women get comfortable and let their looks go. I pisses me off to hear them say "well, I've had kids!" Well so have I and I look better now than I did before I had them. I've been the one married friends have called to bitch about their husbands and sometimes I feel like my brain has turned into a friend egg after I hang up the phone. So I do see what you're saying. But I'll ask you this, is it that you are unwilling to compromise at all? Or would you bend a little for a woman who is reasonable?