Sorry this ran long but bear with me here you chemical wizards:
Okay, will someone explain to me WHY stop the peptides when the FIRST advice I got back when I was first diagnosed with rotator cuff tears is to START GH?
And could I get a little clarification on the term "dries out the joints?" I have bursal inflammation but the cartilage and joint surfaces themselves seem to be okay (have to get the knees x-rayed but the shoulder joint was fine).
I'd rather not stop the peptides for a couple of reasons, there's a vanity factor but they've also helped with a couple of longstanding health problems (a skin condition) not the least of which was shitty, shitty sleep. I thought the GH affected the joints themselves (cartilage and bone) and otherwise boosted healing.
The thing is, my elbows, shoulders and knees have been bothering me to one degree or another for a long time (decade plus) but I lived with it. It was only when the right shoulder got to the point where I was virtually unable to use the arm that I finally caved in and saw a doctor (and I hadn't touched peptides at that point). My doctor did express the opinion, and I'm inclined to agree, that I have longstanding injuries and it's aging (let's be realistic, I'm 47 here peeps) that's causing them to finally give out. My concern is if I cut out the peptides shit's gonna fall apart worse/faster.