Btw I'm 16 not 17
dude you hold out 2 more years and ill personally hold your hand threw all of it. literally, you can email me 5 times a day....................And ill respond 5 times a day.
you have lots of potential, you need to work natty for a bit longer and than you ll be ready to blow up.
i fuct around too young, had no one for advice, have a tiny bit of gyno and literally put on weight when on cycle and lost 90% in pct, was on.....than pct, than back on again.
Not saying this is you, but live life a lil longer, get more experienced (in life) and the BB world........and come back to this cycle.
read about growth plates in teens. once yours close, your ready to cycle.........If you begin before they close you may not be as tall as you could be.