I live in the UK, drugs are legal and available here.
these aren't drugs like smoking pot or even doing crack.. or drinking alcohol.. these are powerful hormones that have permanent ramifications on your HPTA. any idiot can get them in the USA too with or without a Rx. doesn't make it right just cause they are legal where you live. cigarettes are legal here, does that mean its okay for me to smoke 3 packs a day?
Don't get me wrong I entirely understand where you're coming from but, from my standpoint surely if I was to do this ONE cycle, finish PCT, I don't see how doing this could ruin my body? Bodies recover, that's what they do...
if you want to do 1 cycle then you are wasting your time.. there are guys on here who have done a dozen cycles and still aren't where they want to be.. I have done like 15 cycles or more and I am no where close to being where I want to be.. what makes you think 1 cycle is gonna get you there?
Even if I was to do this cycle when I'm in my 20's wouldn't it still mess up my hormones for life?
wrong.. at your age your body is going through changes and this isn't the time to screw around with your hormones
You hear about people that do no PCT and are absolutely fine!
wrong again. if you don't do pct you will lose most of your gains, pct is as important as the cycle itself. people who claim they don't pct are guys who just stay on year round, nobody who actually cycles on and off correctly will ever say to not pct.
Arnold (noob reply) apparently started at 15/16 and I'm sure others have?
you will never be Arnold.. nobody will. you can only be YOURSELF. stop trying to copy what other people did. there are millions who did what he did who never sniffed a regional NPC trophy, much less Mr Olympia.
I'm not saying I'm going to take drugs and become the next Arnie, but god damn it gives me a better shot at it?
you are only 17.. Arnold was 28 or so when he first won Mr olympia and won it last at 33, and today he wouldn't sniff it the way bodybuilding is today... with insulin and GH being introduced the average Mr. Olympia is in their late 30's. and I bet it will be into the 40's in another 10 years at this rate. you have a solid 20 more years before you can start dreaming.. you have been lifting what 2 or 3 years? you've got 20 more to go... you are strong for a 17 year old but your stats suck if you want to be a bodybuilder.. how do you know you have the genetics to bodybuild in the first place if you don't train to bodybuild?