If I still have them, that's the series I have as well. There's somethign to be said for finding someone who is very good at posing tho -- it is an art form and if you can get the basics and then make it your own, you have acheived half the battle of "confidence on stage".
6 June 2006
-- Diet - LOL - same stuff.
-- Training:
Been holding off on all upper body stuff because I wanted to give my rotators & back some time off after the chiro pushed stuff around on Saturday. Also I'm sittnig in this bartending class for 8 hrs / day - my ass hurts & i'm probably slouching some from these fantastic folding chairs.
Tonite I scheduled a visit to my fav LMT girl to beat the bejebus out of my back w/ some deep tissue work. She worked out a whole bunch more little spasm knots in my back & shoulders. But when she hit my glutes - holy GAWD. Didn't think I trained legs THAT much the day before. It felt good in that masochistic way that deep tissue feels good, but when I got home and sat for a bit, I felt like I'd done a 1000 lb ATF squat. Jeez.
Anyway - between talking w/ some old friends going thru some stuff and studying all the different brands of whiskeys for a quiz on Wed, I got to bed at 3 am. Literally shaking from lack of sleep.
7 June 2006
Diet - same
Training - not tonite -- Ass still sore from the massage and I'm just loopy from no sleep and another 8 hrs of trying to stay focused as we learn to mix up "Highballs" and "half & half drinks". (I had no idea that you put pepper on the rim of a Bloody Mary ....)
And still have to study some more tonite when (if) I wake up after the nap I'm going to take in a few minutes...