BTW - its so NICE to see the motivation, support & general love here on the boards between BUNNY's quotes and great attitude, nelms' bday and all the fantastic stuff!
Recall "Godzilla vs. Bambi"? ....Quadzilla vs Hambi .... uh... ok anyway...
My day started out w/ a BOSU class getting traded in for watching Noah's Ark go floating by during the downpour.... Massage scheduleld in 37 minutes - new guy -- sports-background.... this should be good. My right lat / shoulder is still screwy - probably a small tear in the rotator. FUG. And then when that's been fixed, return for chest / shoulder workout & cardio.
Again w/ the stomach ache today. What a pain. But generally seeing a nice big fat drop in bodyfat right now. Not seeing the scale move much yet, but then that's how my body likes to mess w/ my mind. Depending on stomach, should get some pix up tonite or tomorrow, as we enter roughly 9 weeks out....