4 May 2006 (Thurs)
- 30 min Butts & Guts class
- 20 min Step Mill (fat burning profile) + 30 min Lifefitness elliptical
- 10 min posing
PM: took a day off
Today was sort of a bummer - I took a nap after getting back from the gym this morning because I was just flaky & incoherent. Met up w/ a friend who is also hating ATL and job hunting and sort of lost my drive in general.
I guess its one thing when you lose your drive to hit the gym, but when you sort of lose your purpose in general, it really sux. This is why I'm really making a big drive to get to a new & completely better place in life, but goddam, the steps to gettign there are so life-sucking sometimes.
BTW - its so NICE to see the motivation, support & general love here on the boards between BUNNY's quotes and great attitude, nelms' bday and all the fantastic stuff!