:: woooshh.. my head hurts ::
i read through both threads and did some more searching and reading on bands as well.. i get the basic concept of doing light repetitions of similar movements with bands to keep blood flowing to speed up and improve recovery time... don't really care about all the science right now.. just confuses me too much at this point. i know that being on anavar did wonders for my recovery time so (as i took my last "magic" pill this morning
) i'm expecting that my recovery time will need as much help as it can get after the anavar works its way out of my system.
SO, now how to use the bands and what routine to put together?? wish i could just fly out and tag along at the gym for a couple hours with you spattts!! but seeing as i have not the fundage for that or to hire (if i could even find someone) a personal trainer who knows this stuff to show me.. could you give me a sample or some starting points on how i might incorporate AR into my routine.. whatever that should be changed to??
actually, i am getting a fitness assessment later today at my gym, and this time i sought out a PT who MIGHT know what he's talking about. at least i know he's competed in the sport, so maybe he can give me some pointers this afternoon, too.
oh, and do you know where i can buy them online?
NYM, if your around, i'd appreciate any advice you might have for me on my routine as well (he he.. hope that doesn't land me any negative karma
THANKS - i think i will change my handle to sPoNGe now
i read through both threads and did some more searching and reading on bands as well.. i get the basic concept of doing light repetitions of similar movements with bands to keep blood flowing to speed up and improve recovery time... don't really care about all the science right now.. just confuses me too much at this point. i know that being on anavar did wonders for my recovery time so (as i took my last "magic" pill this morning

SO, now how to use the bands and what routine to put together?? wish i could just fly out and tag along at the gym for a couple hours with you spattts!! but seeing as i have not the fundage for that or to hire (if i could even find someone) a personal trainer who knows this stuff to show me.. could you give me a sample or some starting points on how i might incorporate AR into my routine.. whatever that should be changed to??
actually, i am getting a fitness assessment later today at my gym, and this time i sought out a PT who MIGHT know what he's talking about. at least i know he's competed in the sport, so maybe he can give me some pointers this afternoon, too.
oh, and do you know where i can buy them online?
NYM, if your around, i'd appreciate any advice you might have for me on my routine as well (he he.. hope that doesn't land me any negative karma

THANKS - i think i will change my handle to sPoNGe now