Bread in general is a crappy form of complex carb. Better choices are baked potato, sweet potato, brown rice, oatmeal. It takes a bit of a switch in your tastes to get to the optimal diet. I guess I can't even speak to what "normal" people eat anymore. For example, when my best friend from my home town & her husband and son were flying back to Baton Rouge from a trip, they had a layover in Atlanta that ended up being an overnight situation. So they called me up at 7 pm, I picked them up by 8 pm and brought them back to my house. So for breakfast, I'm looking in my fridge for stuff for them to eat -- I'm almost out of eggs, the only other choices I have are spinach & romain lettuce, scallions, grilled chicken, a can of green beans, oatmeal and a couple sweet potatos. Yea. We went to IHOP. Basically I can accommodate adults for say a dinner of grilled steak & salad w/ wine or grilled chicken or fish and a salad. Otherwise, forget it. There's nothing exciting in my house. At all. But that's how I eat and its reliable. When I go out to eat, I still end up eating somethign that consists of chicken, fish or steak, grilled w/ minimal season (no salt), no sauce, steamed veggies (no butter, sauce or salt) or a green salad w/ vinegar & oil, possibly a plain baked potato. This is it. Always. I haven't had pizza in literally years. The only time I do eat it is when I"m visiting family and that's what is on the table. If I'm traveling for myself or for work, I will always get a hotel room w/ a microwave & mini fridge, take my per diem and hit the nearest grocery store & stock up on pouch tuna, pre-made salad, pre-cooked chicken and oatmeal, and bring protein mix. If I have to make the oatmeal in the coffee maker, I will. How exciting is that? It ain't, but its on my diet
If you are reading the body for life book, it does give a really good list of choices that are not totally boring but help you set the boundaries of what becomes a good diet. I didn't actually learn how to cook anything until I was literally 30. I had never actually cooked a sweet potato until i was 35. And I also don't really do anything besides broil and grill on my gas grill. That was probably a big limitation on my ability to do a good diet.