7:00 cytogainer with 2 cups skim milk (around 950 calories)
9:30: PBJ sandwich (with sugar free jelly) and whey protein in i cup milk (2 scoops of whey)
Lunch Pasta with Lean beef. (more than 2 oz bro (atleast 6 oz).
2 and a half hours later 2 scoops whey, 1 cup oatmeal
Cytogainer shake in water.
Postworkout Dextrose, wheyshake
1 hour later. Pasta or rice (atleast 6 oz) with chicken or lean beef.
Casin shake, cottage cheese and almonds….
9:30: PBJ sandwich (with sugar free jelly) and whey protein in i cup milk (2 scoops of whey)
Lunch Pasta with Lean beef. (more than 2 oz bro (atleast 6 oz).
2 and a half hours later 2 scoops whey, 1 cup oatmeal
Cytogainer shake in water.
Postworkout Dextrose, wheyshake
1 hour later. Pasta or rice (atleast 6 oz) with chicken or lean beef.
Casin shake, cottage cheese and almonds….