I have been doing an average of 250 push-ups a day, and going to the park on alternate days and doing 5 sets of max reps I can attain with pull-ups, and dips.
My goal is to get ripped I dont want to gain size. I bicycle everyday for atleast an hour, usually more, and have been trying to cut down in carbs.
Anything else you guys would recommend? I dont eat anything a good few hours before bed but have heard that I should be eating something. Do I really need a lot of protein if im only doing calystenics?
Thanks for your time,
I have been doing an average of 250 push-ups a day, and going to the park on alternate days and doing 5 sets of max reps I can attain with pull-ups, and dips.
My goal is to get ripped I dont want to gain size. I bicycle everyday for atleast an hour, usually more, and have been trying to cut down in carbs.
Anything else you guys would recommend? I dont eat anything a good few hours before bed but have heard that I should be eating something. Do I really need a lot of protein if im only doing calystenics?
Thanks for your time,