The problem with most of these studies about pwo is that they are done in the fasted state, so this really clouds things.
I seem to recall one study that looked at real world or long-term mass changes, (this is what it is all about in reality), but most studies including what is posted is all acute protein synthesis stuff.
One well done study I have for instance suggests protein synthesis is actually at 109% at the 24 hrt. period! But then it did not address the issue of with or without pwo carbs.
The main idea is not so much glycogen replenishment, as this is rate dependent anyway, and the typical weight workout is not that glycogen depleting, in fact, nowhere near, so unless you are doing some heavy endurance exercise or some ass long high volume training, the glycogen depletion thing is not that concerting to what is???
uptake of your nutrients and thus maybe jumpstarting recovery is what is at issue.
The oatmeal thing has been debated endlessly on, one guy says it is ok, a guy that is in "authority", Allen Argon I believe, he is the "resident" authority, and because he says it is ok, then it has been adopted. This does not make it so, and they use one study to "back" this, and one only.
My personal assessment is how I feel. That is, I have said on these boards that you need to "guage" your pwo nutrient intake to your energy expenditure. For example, on a heavy leg day, if I don't take in a hi gi carb/protein shake very soon after, I feel like dogcrap for long time. If I do, I recover quite nicely and can go on with my day just fine.
If I do an all arm day, and take in the same hi gi/protein drink, I crash and burn, can actually "feel" the excess blood sugar and subsequent crash. This in the end is what it is all about, guaging your pwo carbs to your energy expenditure.
As long as you are sensible about it, such as all fructose would be silly, you should be fine if your dietary intake is solid. I would point back to my "old days" before we had the internet and all this science.
We knew nothing about hi gi, low gi, did not even have whey protein. We worked out hard, drove home and ate like pigs. Did we gain, yep...and I don't just mean me, all the top guys too.
Think abot some of the eastern bloc guys that still to this day hold records...I bet they were just glad to eat, and didn't have a clue about whey or casein protein. "Science" these days can mess you up as much as help you.