This will be my cutting diet that I just recently started.
stats: 5'11 202lbs
around 10%bf
Cycle: 100mg eod tren ace
500mg ew test E
50mg winni ed
Meal 1: 10 Egg Whites, 1 Cup of Oatmeal
Meal 2: 7oz Chicken, 8oz Sweet Potato
Meal 3: PWO SHAKE - 50g Whey Isolate, 50g Waxy Maize(that is usually what most people use. I prefer vitargo but its quite expensive. Karbolyn works too its cheaper than vitargo but much more than waxy)
Meal 4: 7oz Tilapia(or cod, or flounder) 1 Cup of White Rice(both of these are fast digesting thats why its chosen for post workout)
Meal 5: 2 cans of tuna(small cans, not the large ones), 6oz Baked Potato
Meal 6: 7oz Chicken
Meal 7: 10 Egg Whites, 2 Tablespoons of Natural Peanut Butter
Also for meals 2,4,5,6,7 I eat 1Cup of green veggie.(usually broccoli or spinach/kale