To be honest its hard to say b/c of everything I've got going with it. I've ran clen before which albuterol is a recommended alternative for and hands down I like the albut better. the biggest thing for me is the cardio boost it gives you. I take it approx 30 min before I do about an hour of cardio and it is awesome for the increase in breathing capacity.
the first time u take it its a little bit edgy but you get used to it quick and its nothing like the jittery edgy feeling from clen or ephedra. id recommend trying a bottle and run it at 3mg for a few days then bump to 4.5 which I'm liking. I may run the last few wks of this sarms stack at 6mg to just kill it on runs, stairs, cycling and hiit.
Sent from my htc t-bolt using the elitefitness app.