That rock climbing sounds sick! Did u go with friends or are u doing like a rock climbing course or something?
Yeah I went to a recreational rock climbing place with a bunch of friends. I was surprised to see a lot of chicks there and most were actually hott.
I have a couple of Questions for you...
-I see you don't really do any assistance exercises other than chins and arm exercises, you don't even do dips. Is there a reason for this or do u just always train line that? I am obsessed with assistance stuff and probably over do it sometimes...
Actually my chin strength is a lot stronger than my dipping strength right now. I don't do them because they are a bitch to do after benching or pressing. As for any other fluffy stuff, I believe that the basic movements are really all that are needed for size and strength, just change the volume accordingly. I'm not gonna lie, I love doing the extra fluffy shit and miss it sometimes lol. If I do them PLUS the workouts I do now though, I would probably dip into overtraining a lot quicker even though my workouts literally only take 30mins (I timed it yesterday actually haha).
-how are your size gains training like this? 5x1 will be extreme low volume but even beforethatyouhavnthad much volume or exercises in the popular 8-15 rep range. Have u still been gaining size?
Size gains aren't as bad as I thought they would be. They are nothing compared to doing something like sets of 8-12 lol, but they aren't nonexistent. When I'm done with the 5x3 I'll post pics for you to judge. I think they are definitely decent gains. 5x1 is going to be shit volume lol, I'm expecting 0 muscle gains on that. After the 5x1 though I'll be doing 5x10 for size and I'm really anxious to know how fast I'll pack on muscle