What's up guys I haven't been on for a long time. I just finished my 5x12 yesterday and i have to say F the squats lol. Killed at least 4000kcal a day...enjoying the food. Weighing around 195 now. I got incredibly veinier after just the 1st week of 5x12, going through my calves up through my quads. Forget all those NO2 supps, they are bullshit. If you want veins, lift high volume.
I also had to split up my 3x a week workout into upper/lower 6x a week because it got too demanding on my cardio system. Even though I hit it hard and heavy every day (30 mins a day), I didn't start overreaching until after 6 weeks.
Here's my maxes from my 5x12:
Squat - 210x12, 215x8
Bench - 150x12, 155x8
Row - 125x12
Press - 95x12
Deadlift - 255x12
Press was probably the most difficult. Doing 48 reps before the final set, my shoulder muscles fatigued quickly. The first time I tried 95lbs I only managed 6, next week I manage 10, and this past week I got all 12

Going to try a 5x8 and see how well I can progress. Definitely looking forward to the lower volume. I'm really wondering how much of a carryover this high rep work will have on my maxes. After I fail 5x8, I'm back to 5x5, then 5x3, then 5x1 and then see what my maxes are.