So for the tenth time, I'm back after 6 mos off. I'm going through the first 3 weeks or so of just getting my body used to the gym. All the horrible aches and pains and soreness ect ect.
I was going over model after model of different splits for myself. My priority being ... I have to be careful of the tendons in the back of my elbows where the tri connects.(no skull crushers, ect) So I am always fighting with things like, do chest and tri in the same day and hammer them and get it over with and give it the full week to heal, or just do chest and dont hit the caution area so bad(chest isnt all that bad on them) then hit tri's later in the week alone,....ect ect...
Plus I have that nice painful spot under the armpit where the lat and rotator muscles tie in (why i bought a dense foam roller yesterday) so things like super heavy pull downs wide grip, will really irritate that area.
Now, before my layoff i was in a good place. I had spent months building up weights. Doing weekly deep tissue/accupressure sessions, being careful, icing post w/o, ect.
I am starting accupuncture monday too and going back to at least bi weekly massage. Plus I am doing Defranco's upper body foam roller and band stretching for the rotators and all the other shit at least once a day and always pre w/o.
Now.....HST.....never paid attention. JUST got done reading it through.
Hypertrophy-Specific Training : : Official Home of HST
It makes perfect sense for someone in my position. Especially with someone seeking size. Strength is great but I have always been in it for the size. So I get what they are saying but the problem i see right off is, theres no deadlift????? wtf? Secondly, I will start it in two weeks or so when my body is sorta acclimated to the "gym" again. But I am obviously no where near ready to find max weights so I am going to have to make an educated guess.
Also, chest for HST...incline BB (thats fine) and dips...I really want to do dips but theres no way I am attempting them undil i lose 25 or so lbs of lard I have gained while off and have my tendon strength built back up. Is there something I could substitute that would be fitting for the program?????
I know theres a couple more questions I have for you HST guys but I will post them when I think of them.
Any other HST info, suggestions, help would be much appreciated.
There will be at least some test thrown in with this soon also since I'm going to be on a cutting diet for a while.