At times I think my diet has zero possibility of working since people are so "consumed" by food that I'm unsure they would be able to give it up despite the many benefits. I've actually been giving some thought of switching to the dark side - targeting the fat market with a product(s) that would make their life easier while remaining fat (ie reinforced furniture or something similar). I think "fat" may just be the "in" thing someday.
Anthrax said:
I'm not convinced you've the best diet ever but your marketing skills are undeniable
It is
But there are already 10,325,321,256 books + 5,666,854,598 DVDs + 2,545,214 magazines and just as many nutrition gurus all over the place on that subject
What fat magazines are available now? I'm talking about fat acceptance and not trying to change their ways.
Anthrax said:
It is
But there are already 10,325,321,256 books + 5,666,854,598 DVDs + 2,545,214 magazines and just as many nutrition gurus all over the place on that subject
I read one pretty funny interview about a fat resort down in Mexico, they were talking proudly about their triple reinforced chairs, because fatties are sick of breaking chairs when they sit in them... I find it hard to believe but the interview is out there...
ok then, I am going to get up 8:30am tomorrow and try this, I'll probably mix the cardio up a bit to keep it interesting, the cross trainer first then the bike and finally the treadmill, I will get back at my house at approx 9:20 after relaxing in the steam room for 10 minutes, I will then eat my first meal or drink a shake.
By the way, what is ideal after morning cardio, carbs or protein / or both?
NJRipped, since a few months ago, I was on a similar pro/carb/fat breakdown to you (high protein, high carb, low fat). My BF% was between 3-4% however it was extremely hard for me to gain muscle due to my restricted fat intake. I believe this is because dietary fat helps preserves nitrogen (protein is 16% nitrogen, so a negative nitrogen balance has a catabolic effect) and fat (particularly saturated and monounsaturated) increases testosterone levels.
As a result of this, I lowered my carb intake and increased my fat intake to provide roughly 27% of my daily energy by using more olive oil (80% monounsaturated fat), fish oil and flax oil (source of omega-3s). As a result, I think I have been getting better results and I don't believe my BF% has changed much, if at all.
That's not true. The lignans in flaxseed help to prevent breast/prostate/skin cancer. However, if you want the benefit of the lignans, you'll need to eat ground flaxseed. The oil obviously contains no lignans and does not inhibit or promote cancer growth.