Rack pulls or rack deadlifts are a shortened range of motion on the pull. Here's a vid of me doing them I have straps on in this vid just do to the weight being lifted:
well you're in a whole other league than i am as far as lifting goes
but some good grip exercises would definitely be farmers walks, static holds (like scotsman did), double overhand deads, heavy rows, weighted dead hangs (bottom portion of a pullup), pinching plates.
damn bro sounds like you already have some strong ass forearms, wrist curls with 135 for 3 sets of 8 is sick especially after all that static grip stuff!
It wouldnt directly make your double overhand grip strength much stronger but if you learned the hook grip you could use it on whatever exercises your finding hard and it will give you a grip just as strong as a mixed grip, its a little painful at first but after a while you get used to it. I use it for my deads now all the time, SouthernLord taught me it and Im so glad
The exercises jdid mensioned are good too, and you might consider some more fun stuff like towel pullups, one arm deadlifts, high rep double overhand shrugs, kroc rows and buying a pair of fat gripz.
When I really pushed my numbers on kroc rows my grip strength greatly improved and so did my deadlift lockout, be careful though I injured my self on them.
Thank you gentlemen for the wide variety of exercises to choose from. I'll have to look some of these thing up as I have never heard of Farmer's Walk, Plate Pinces, and Krok Rows among many other exercises you all mentioned. Heavy Bent Over rows a la Dorain Yates (Ronnie Coleman does them this way as well) have really help my grip as well and thanks to the stronger grip my other lifts have gone up as well. Stregthen the stabelizers and you'll put up bigger numbers right?
EM you little devil! You are becoming quite the lil' exercise rescource manual! Kudos to you lil homie for learning so much and so quickly.
Rack pulls or rack deadlifts are a shortened range of motion on the pull. Here's a vid of me doing them I have straps on in this vid just do to the weight being lifted:
Thank you very much for taking the time to post up bro. I really apreciate it. Funny thing is we weight about the same but I am 4 inches shorter than you hee hee.
Thank you very much for taking the time to post up bro. I really apreciate it. Funny thing is we weight about the same but I am 4 inches shorter than you hee hee.
Thank you gentlemen for the wide variety of exercises to choose from. I'll have to look some of these thing up as I have never heard of Farmer's Walk, Plate Pinces, and Krok Rows among many other exercises you all mentioned. Heavy Bent Over rows a la Dorain Yates (Ronnie Coleman does them this way as well) have really help my grip as well and thanks to the stronger grip my other lifts have gone up as well. Stregthen the stabelizers and you'll put up bigger numbers right?
EM you little devil! You are becoming quite the lil' exercise rescource manual! Kudos to you lil homie for learning so much and so quickly.
Lol thanks dude, I can explain most of them here:
A kroc row is basically a high rep one arm dumbell row with as much weight as you can, using some body english to get the weight up, so by cheating a bit you can use maximum poundages and go in the 15-30 sort of rep range. They really put you on your ass, they nail you across the board - abs, forearms, bi's, lats, traps, spinal erectors, shoulders, obliques.
Farmers Walk is simple, you already do it pretty much, you just grab some heavy ass dumbells and walks laps up and down the gym
Plate Pinch is a little hard to explain so Ill show you a video:
Lol thanks dude, I can explain most of them here:
A kroc row is basically a high rep one arm dumbell row with as much weight as you can, using some body english to get the weight up, so by cheating a bit you can use maximum poundages and go in the 15-30 sort of rep range. They really put you on your ass, they nail you across the board - abs, forearms, bi's, lats, traps, spinal erectors, shoulders, obliques.
Farmers Walk is simple, you already do it pretty much, you just grab some heavy ass dumbells and walks laps up and down the gym
Plate Pinch is a little hard to explain so Ill show you a video:
Lol thanks dude, I can explain most of them here:
A kroc row is basically a high rep one arm dumbell row with as much weight as you can, using some body english to get the weight up, so by cheating a bit you can use maximum poundages and go in the 15-30 sort of rep range. They really put you on your ass, they nail you across the board - abs, forearms, bi's, lats, traps, spinal erectors, shoulders, obliques.
Farmers Walk is simple, you already do it pretty much, you just grab some heavy ass dumbells and walks laps up and down the gym
Plate Pinch is a little hard to explain so Ill show you a video:
Thanks for the explinations. I guess I do Kroc Rows already at the end of my back workout.
I can hold the 2 plate piches on my own as I am a bit lazy when it comes to mounting and dismounting high numbers of plates on and off the bar (especially leg presses).