New member
I don't mine when young high school kids want to ask question about how to improve this or what are u doing to get that size and strength. But I had this one kid that would ask me the same damn questions everyday for months and it was always how can I get your size and strength. The kid was 17yrs old. One day i walk into the gym and here he comes i guess on this day He just caught me on a bad day I told him the secret to get to my size and strength was that the moment he was done training he needed to eat a can of alpo dog food for 30 next days and he would start noticing a change in his size and strength. So that's exactly what he did. He comes back up to me after 30 days all pissed off cause nothing changed. I go, so I bet your not gonna ask me that question anymore. Felt kinda bad but never got bugged again.