I'm trying to come up with a program to increase my shot put as quickly as possible. I mainly need to build explosive strength in pecs, triceps and delts. As well as a bit in legs and strength in mid section.
I was thinking maybe a westside type routine with ME and DE bench days with pecs and tris hit. One leg day (not sure whether it should be DE or ME) with lower back and abs aswell. And a Delt/shoulders day that will include a bit of secondary tricep stimulation.
This is just a rough idea, if anyone has anything better, or can help me with the specifics, I'd be very grateful.
I was thinking maybe a westside type routine with ME and DE bench days with pecs and tris hit. One leg day (not sure whether it should be DE or ME) with lower back and abs aswell. And a Delt/shoulders day that will include a bit of secondary tricep stimulation.
This is just a rough idea, if anyone has anything better, or can help me with the specifics, I'd be very grateful.