Ah, thanks bro. Firstly, the reason I have cablecrossovers in there is because I really feel them in my chest, I think they are great, yes I would like to do upright rows but allready I have hangcleans, pushpress, db military, lateral raises and front raises for my shoulders, bench, incline bench, dips and pendlays will involve them too...I think this looks good young bro
Friday I would ditch the cable crossovers. They are a useless exercise imo. If you want to superset something with the incline DB press try upright rows. This combo will work your chest/shoulders/traps/tris/bis/forearms nicely. I would do the farmers last and give them everything you got. They are a good "Finisher" exercise.
For overhead squats.....I would rather see you use a 7 ft weightless stick than the oly bar until you perfect form. When you can do 75 reps in three sets with the stick ass to floor with perfect form then try the oly bar. These are not a mass builder and there is no need to go heavy. These are more for flexibilty and to strengthen your shoulder gurdle for the heavy pressing that is in your futureand to really build a bullet proof midsection for all those heavy squats and deads you will be doing
And as for the farmers, I forgot to add this to my journal - Im doing pinwheel curls instead, I want bulkier forearms and so Im gonna try pinwheels for a month or so then switch to farmers and see which I prefer, Iv tryed both in the past and I prefered pinwheels for sure.
Oh and as for the Overhead Squats, that wont be 7reps anywere near failure, I would get the oly bar and probably use it weightless and build up, maybe but a 5kg on each side because I know I can do overhead squats with 5kg on each side - Iv tryed it. And the other thing is doing it weightless to practise form wouldnt be much use because my gym is kinda crap like that, I could ask pretty much anyone who goes there and they couldnt tell me if Im doing it right, Iv watched videos and shit and Ill film myself doing it and show some people on here, see what they think...
Oh and I will also find time to do rotator cuffs once a week, 3 sets internal and 3 sets external like I do now.