Alright so today was back day and I definitely upped the intensity to the point I had nothing left to give. Still got my cardio in. It felt great! Tried a few different things. Today I started off with dumbbell rows and worked up to 70 pounds but these felt kinda easy. So I stopped after 3 sets and went to the barbell rows. The squat rack area where I do them at felt like a sauna for some reason but didn’t let that stop me. I also did wide grip lat pull downs with the hammer strength machine and these were much better than the cable.
Dumbbell row: 50x12 60x12 70x12 (one hand)
Barbell row: 155x12 175x8 195x6
Cable seated row: 135x15 150x12 165x10 180x6 180x7
Hammer strength lat pulldown: 45x12 90x12 100x10 100x8 100x7 (weight was for each side)
V Bar pulldown: 120x12 120x10 120x8 120x10 120x10 (had to switch to a different cable machine. About half way through each rep is suddenly felt much heavier almost like something was catching the cable)
At the end I did a super set of straight arm pulldowns and ez bar curls. I did several sets and the reps were just as many as I could handle. Not sure how many sets I actually did but think it was like 5 or 6 and no less than 20 reps for the straight arm pull downs and no less than 12 reps for the ez bar curls. Got a good pump.
Was talking to one of the bigger guys in the gym this morning. Told me I have made some good progress but need to up the cardio. He does 30 minutes cardio to start and 30 minutes end. Thinking I will try to do that moving forward. I know everyone on here talks about cardio a lot and it’s definitely an area I am lacking so plan to kick that up a lot.