@BrightFuture good day but on the shoulders i would go lower weight a bit more slow repsThank you all for the support!
Today was shoulder day and had a lot of fun. Definitely cutting back on the volume a bit by reducing everything to 3 sets with the exception of shoulder press. 4 sets on everything seemed like overkill for shoulders and noticing this way I can keep solid form throughout without any shoulder issues. Shoulder press will still be 4-5 sets because I really need to pyramid up the weight on those.
Hammer shoulder press: 75x12 85x10 95x8 105x6
Lateral raise: 3 sets of 15 at 15 pounds
Machine reverse fly: 100x20 100x20 100x15
Hammer shrugs: 200x20 220x20 220x20
Facepull: 100x20 110x20 120x18
Good fun workout. Also was pretty stunned how easily the 105 pounds in each hand went up on the shoulder press. The hardest part of using the hammer strength machine for these is just getting the movement started and I got the 105 pounds up with no issue. Even with the winstrol, my left shoulder is feeling really good right now. I have been getting an occasional headache but I am not sure if that is a winstrol side or just my allergies. Many of you know I have some pretty bad allergies and sinuses lol.
trust us , shoulder injury can end it for the cycle
a bit less but your rest is amazing